Justice Avenue Archive
Episode 3: Hairstyles 2.0
October 2019

Sym: I can't find a good hairstyle for you…
Caleb: Can't fix perfection!
Sym: Shut up, Caleb.
Sym: OH! I KNOW!
Sym: GAS—
Sym: Wait, no, I don't like it.
Sym: Oh, a good idea!
Sym: Niccee!
Sym's notes
May 08 2024
Remake of the Caleb Hair Comic!
A bit more refined, but practically the same thing, altered a bit with the dialogue. Not much to say! Not sure if it'll be remade, though. But it does show off a somewhat-canon thing, which is the futuristic holo-screen that's used to alter the hairstyle!
The format also didn't get a chance to stay around long 😔