Justice Avenue Archive
Not the Same
May 2015

Sym's notes
May 08 2024
I’m 99% sure this comic was going to extend to be longer, but either I never got around to drawing it, or the other files that have the comic are lost to time. Either way, it was left unfinished and unreleased!
When I was in high school, I had a really good friend named Brittany. We had a lot of similarities in personality and interests, and so we both pretended to be twins! Being as though Neo is an android, the joke here is that since he’s new, he doesn’t recognize who’s who because we ‘look the same’ (we didn’t). It was meant to end with him getting flustered and ultimately giving up. I think I had a traditional version of this somewhere… but I doubt I still have it considering how old it is.
I think this is the only instance of me having a FaF comic that’s focused on both an irl person and doesn’t have Liam in it whatsoever. Though, I do have an old video on a defunct channel that has Liam, Brittany and I in it that I made for Spanish class.